Paula Raley – Lead Pastor

Pastor Paula Raley, Freedom Life Church of Lake Charles, LA

1) How long have you been coming to Freedom Life?

I answered the call to plant Freedom Life April of 2014, and we launched the actual church on July 19, 2014. My desire was to create a church that closely resembled the Acts 2 church where people “do life together, pray together, study together, and share meals together.”

2) What’s your favorite thing about serving as Lead Pastor?

I love seeing people come to know Jesus as Savior, and living out the command and calling of the Great Commission. I love seeing the passion and life come into a person as they understand their God-given existence and what this world is really about.

3) Favorite Scripture?

Isa 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.”

This is one of my favorite Scriptures because it all comes down to the battlefield in our minds and trusting in God. He holds us in His hands, and I truly believe we go in the direction of where our mind leads us. We must keep our minds on Jesus and know that He is ultimately in control!

4) What’s one thing you want people to know about Freedom Life?

We believe the Word of God wholeheartedly. We preach it and strive to live it to the best of our ability. Because the two greatest commandments in the word say to love God and to love people, we pray that everyone who comes to our church is touched by the love of Jesus and by His Word.

5) Hobbies?

I love to workout at Orange Theory Fitness. Even though I dread going, I feel energized and great when I leave! I love to read and to study, especially about leadership.

6) Best book you’re read lately?

I read If My Heart Could Talk by Dodie Osteen. She and her husband John founded Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. The book is about their lives and how God moved on them to start Lakewood, and also about their family. I love how she loves Jesus and tells their story with no pretense. I learned that everyone in ministry goes through problems but mostly how important faith is in the process.

7) Favorite old hymn?

Amazing Grace. It’s timeless!

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